January 2005

Tirekickers — or How to Get a Handle on the Client's Budget…

January 31, 2005

How many times have you gotten a contact through your web site asking how much XYZ website would cost? They say, “I want a website like this one.” Or ask, “How much would a website for 'this type business' be?” When you ask what their budget is, they don't know. You can spend an hour [...]

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Blocking the Value of Comment Spam

January 25, 2005

Those of you with blogs know what a pain it can be when the spammers send their bots out to muck up your comments with links to their own sites. They know the value of a link in Google and they frankly don't care whether they're messing with the rules or messing with you — [...]

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SEO vs. Accessibility: Can you have both?

January 21, 2005

I try to design the code of my pages to be very clean, with little extraneous “stuff.” My goal is always to make them as accessible as possible as well as search engine friendly. And I've got it all figured out. Using text instead of images for headings and navigation allows me to be kind [...]

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Does Code Validation Matter?

January 13, 2005

For a long time I've been the kind of web developer that enjoys writing clean, valid code. I have some web friends that think I'm a little too hard core, but it makes me happy. When I complete a site (or when I run into a problem while developing the XHTML/CSS), I use the Web [...]

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Search Engine Blogs

January 11, 2005

Though Search Engine Optimization isn't one of my favorite things to do (gurls just wanna write code!), I do basic optimization for select clients. Of course, this forces me to keep up with the latest news from the Engines to do a good job. Recently, I ran across the Search Visibility Report. SVR is a [...]

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Open Source for Cold Fusion

January 7, 2005

I hadn't been over to CFOpen.org lately and this morning I surfed in to check it out. It looks to be shaping up quite nicely. For those of you that don't know about CFOpen and are CF developers (or work with CF developers like I do), you should check it out. I'll let them explain [...]

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