Sometimes I get a bit behind on my Community MX reading and have to catch up in one fell swoop. This morning, I was having a look at the past few articles and found a most awesome resource that Sheri German put together. Though we're in the midst of a site redesign (yes, we know it's sometimes tough to find the exact article you want as CMX approaches 1950 articles!) it's not done yet. In the interim, Sheri has compiled the CSS section of the site into a great learning guide that you'll want to keep nearby. It's free, for those that aren't members, and groups articles by subject and gives you an idea of their levels and what to tackle first.
I had to share this one! Design Your Own Custom CMX CSS Course — a learning resource guide.
Also, in case you missed it, over the holidays Adobe launched a CSS-related beta of their own – CSS Advisor. CSS Advisor is a resource where information on CSS bugs will be compiled by the community with links to their originators and other resources where possible. A kind of all-in-one-place starting point to pinpoint what your bugs might be and find solutions.
Design Resources
Finally, more related to design than CSS, Adobe has another beta you may have missed called Kuler. Kuler is a color blending tool and I must say, it's the best I've seen so far. Create a free account and then, starting with the base color you want, create palettes of analgous, monochromatic, triad, complementary, compound, shades and custom shades. It's very easy to use too since you can either move sliders or use a color wheel with these nice little “arms” you can move around. And, well — just go play with it, save and share your own custom palettes!